nebraska volunteer of the year installs playground equipment

Nebraska Volunteer of the Year Brock Domeier, 萨顿地区的一名煤气维修技术员, represents volunteerism through his dedication to supporting his small-town community.

Brock’s devotion to his community and country deserves praise and recognition. Not only has he dedicated countless hours serving on the Shickley Village Board and led efforts to create the nonprofit The Big Little Town Revitalization Club, but he has also served in the military for 25 years. The Big Little Town Revitalization Club is a group working to make Shickley better by organizing community events, such as the annual Longhorn Days celebration, helping to revitalize parks and public spaces.

自2015年起为我公司员工, Brock is a champion for his local community and helping others. He says that “bringing people together to make things better than they were before” is what he likes most about being a volunteer, that he “likes seeing the positive impact in the end and seeing all of your hard work pay off.”

“The Big Little Town Revitalization Club came to fruition because of Brock’s vision of forming a group of volunteers who were willing to give of their time, their talents to bring improvements and community activities to our town,卡西·施莱格尔说, member of The Big Little Town Revitalization Club, 希克利教育委员会, 并通过面包部, as well as co-owner of 5 Loaves Market and Bakery in Shickley (along with husband Chris). “Like everyone in the club, Brock is also a transplant to the town of Shickley. He heard about a similar organization in another small town and knew that this was something Shickley could do as well. 自2018年成立非营利组织以来, Brock has led the group in several improvements within the community.

“Notable projects include new directional signs within the community, 公园景观, 大街上的花盆, creating the annual two-day celebration called Longhorn Days. Our biggest and latest project is bringing to town an all-inclusive playground to our Westside park. 布洛克花了无数时间, talent and resources to help make wonderful improvements in our community.

“他是一个敬业的人, not only to our country through his many years of service in the National Guard, but also right 在这里 in our community through serving on the Village Board, 成为当地美国军团的一员, coaching and being president of The Big Little Town Revitalization Club. Brock is always looking for ways to help make improvements for the betterment of our community at large all the while giving of his time and expecting nothing in return.”

As a part of the Volunteer of the Year recognition, Brock was given $500 to donate to the organization of his choice, which he will be using to support new projects for The Big Little Town Revitalization Club. The monetary support will help with additional parks projects and is also being matched by a local donor for a total of $1,我们将向这个项目投入1000万美元.

“Brock’s relentless commitment to his community and country, as well as his dedication to The Big Little Town Revitalization Club, 体现了我们的使命, 理想及价值观,布雷特·兰多夫说, 萨顿的天然气作业主管. “过去的一年, Brock Domeier has demonstrated that he is generous with his time and focused on making life better for our customers and their communities – he is an inspiration for all of us.”

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